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Poland is the country located in Central Europe and for travelers especially hikers should first visit the 4-day hiking in Polish Tatras region which is gaining more and more attention where at Day 1, you reach a town called Zakopane where the hike starts moving to Kuznice - Murowaniec hostel and see beautiful lakes on your way. Day 2 is the hardest with the trail being extremely steep and even more difficult 3 hours hike from Murowaniec - Dolina Gasienicowa (2-hour hike from there) ? Zawrat (the hardest region of all trails) - Dolina Pi?ciu Stawów hostel. Day 3 is a pleasing trail to Morskie Oko, where you have two options, an easy blue trail of a 2-hour hike or a more difficult 4 hours yellow trail hike and observe beautiful lake on your way. Day 4 is started following a red trail that will take a whole day to Czarny Staw ? Rysy. Now the rest of your 6 days should be planned by first visiting the infamous Warsaw and Krakow, having a day trip to Malbork Castle or Baltic Coast, and a day trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau and then visiting Gdansk.
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Harshit Patel : Co-Founder at Trekmunk. A certified Mountaineer, Skiier, has led more than 50 high altitude treks in the Indian Himalayas. He is an Engineer by profession but a traveler by passion. He has led treks in Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim and Nepal. He is a NOLS certified First Aid Responder and has covered 185,000+ km on Motorcycle. A Poet, Drone Pilot and Videographer at Insane Traveller Productions.