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The most conventional and easiest way to dig a small hole, do your business and cover with enough dirt, together with a stone/branch. Prefer toilet papers with appropriate disinfectants and spirit-based liquids to clean up. Furthermore, never stay in or near rivers or on rough surfaces because floods hinder the source of water, so rough surface ensures it isn?t drained into the soil. If you want to contaminate the area, make sure you do not hide toilet paper either. Sound disgusting, maybe, but first comes naturally.
A canal or any water source is the best place to pee. Make sure that you?re dressed well in the forest and that you have ample leaves to clean up, just make sure you know the herb that you are using.
Most significantly?Also tell a friend and remind someone to stay in a distant location, so you will not be left behind and rejoin the party.
Forest and mountain floors have strong mineral content and can be used for the cleaning of your hands during work as antibacterial soap.
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Oshank Soni : Co-Founder at Trekmunk. Has travelled to 28 Indian States, has led more than 50 high altitude treks in the Indian Himalayas. He is an Investment Banker by profession but a traveller by passion. He has led treks in Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim and Nepal. He is a NOLS certified First Aid Responder. Chasing the sun is his full-time job, a Storyteller, Travel photographer and Videographer at Insane Traveller Productions.